Productivity Habits
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What Is Time Management?
Critical Elements of Time Management
Developing Time Management Skills
Identification of the components of a big task
Knowing when to take a rest and reward oneself
Honing a never say die spirit
Dealing with pressure
Observe patterns with your use of time
Routine development
Time logging
The Control Mindset
Chapter 2: Benefits of Time Management
Greater Productivity
Increased Output
Increased Energy
Freedom to Do What You Want
Reduced Effort
Minimum Wasted Time
Increased Opportunities
More Free Time
Improved Decision-Making Ability
Reduced Stress
Fosters Self-Discipline
More Productivity and Success
Accomplish More with Less Effort and Time
Increased Learning Opportunities
Enhanced Flexibility and Spontaneity
A Happy and Healthy Life
Better Work Quality
Complete Tasks on Time
Chapter 3: Effective Time Management Tools
Goal Setting
Create To-Do Lists
Making a Schedule and Sticking to It
Time Blocking
Start the Day Right
Start early
Make your bed
Sit down and plan your activities for the day
Wake your mind with the right stimulation
Focus on how you start your workday
Coming Up with Methods to Make Your Chores Easier
Use Tools that Make the Job Easier
Learn Tricks to Getting Tasks Done from Others
Look for Ways to Cut Corners Without Cutting Quality
Take the Advice of Others and Try it
Establishing Your Daily Activities
Tackling the difficult tasks first
Tackling easy tasks first
Make a list of all the tasks your project involves
Assess these tasks according to gravity and value
Organize these tasks into categories
Determine which tasks to cut
Prepare Your Planning tools
Get Organized
Avoid Procrastination
There is only now
Once You Do It, You Will Be Ok
Think About the Repercussions
Do whatever it takes
Take Breaks
Delegate Tasks or Activities
Control your instincts to hard work
You Can Delegate Down and What You Can Delegate Up
Give Clear and Concise Instructions
Build the Competence and Empower People for Down-Delegation
Delegation Means “Let Go”
Avoid Multitasking
Plan Your Time
Plan Your Day the Night Before
Do Not Get Overwhelmed
Wake up Early
Sleep Early
Setting Deadlines
Eliminate Distractions
Train your brain to focus
Break down huge tasks
Track your time expenditure
Block all distracting websites and apps
Create a schedule
Manage Interruptions
Work When You Need to Work
Minimize all of the Interruptions
Ask Other People
Chapter 4: How to Set Boundaries and Learn to Say No
Create a mantra
Keep a journal
Chapter 5: Improve Your Productivity by Identifying Your Personal Values
The Purpose and Meaning of Your Life
The Most Important Things in Your Life
Believe That You Are Special
Perform Self-Analysis
Some Apps for Productivity
Focus Booster
Rescue Time
To Do Calendar Planners
Remember the Milk
Time Doctor
Google Calendar
Focus @ Will
If This Then That (IFTT)
Chapter 6: How to Manage Your Work Environment
Get Rid of Physical Clutter
De-cluttering Your Mind
Staying Motivated
Reward a Good Job Done
Take a Quick Break
Watch Out for Time Killers
Checking Emails
Watching TV
Friendly Chatting
Surfing the Net
Social Media Networks
Chapter 7: Managing Time Spent with Other People
Always have a goal when meeting people during work hours
Share information relevant to the meeting in advance
Reduce chances of miscommunication
Lead when no one wants to
Chapter 8: Health’s Role in Time Management
Eating right
Fun Time and relaxation
Chapter 9: Identifying Things That Waste Your Time
Time Killers
Dealing with Time Wasters
List your time wasters
Resist the urge to respond to distracting stimuli
Remove social media apps
Make your breaks boring
Keep your environment tidy
Prepare activities for waiting and commuting
Chapter 10: Managing Your Productivity
Divide your day into quadrants
Divide each quadrant into 15-minute chunks
Manage your energy
Motivate yourself for work right before a new quadrant starts
Chapter 11: Improving Your Time Management Habits
Identify the nature of your activities
Analyze and re-strategize
Look for positive changes and make them your habits
Aim for efficiency
Chapter 12: Enjoying a Motivated and Productive Life
Time Management is how you organized your time and how long you intend to spend on each task. Everyone encounters time management issues. There are too many tasks, and there is too little time. You can’t help but feel stressed the majority of the time. It’s as if you have no control over your life; you cannot even think of the things that you consider essential. Your work grows more and more demanding and you seem to have no time left for yourself.
This eBook will teach you the basics of time management. It explains how you can manage your time effectively and increase your productivity. You will get all the tips and tricks you need to effectively manage your time in this guide.
This book has been designed to give you the bare bones on which you can build a more efficient and effective way of living your life, one that is structured, organized and one in which you are proactive and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.
The most productive people manage their time wisely. They can manage it exceptionally well, even when they face a lot of pressure and even when their schedule is super tight.
This book discusses the skills, techniques, and other esse
ntial methods involved in fundamental time management.
That way, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy your life more, on top of the goals you have set for yourself for business, self-management, and life goals. There are so many benefits that you can be gained from exceptional time management practices, which will be explained throughout this book.
Throughout this book, you will understand that no matter what kind of job you do, time management is an essential aspect. Playing Games that will help you develop your skills on time management at your free time are also suggested.
This material will arm you with time management hacks. That means you will have tips that you can use to plan your time well. These tips may be easy to understand but don’t be blinded by their simplicity just apply them in your daily life and you will not regret. This is the guide you need to achieve anything in life without further ado let’s get started.
Chapter 1: What Is Time Management?
Time management is a person’s ability to manage their time, just like any critical skill related to your career, it can decide whether you will succeed as a professional or not. Time is an irreplaceable resource that can help you achieve your dreams. Consider it as a crucial asset that you cannot hoard or recover. You need to spend time on everything you do and gain excellent rewards if you can accomplish many things within the time available to you.
Time management is important in our lives because it enhances productivity and and improves our health. When you plan your time you will achieve inner peace, improve your mental health and build strong relationships. People who fail to manage their time are often stressed, anxious, or depressed. You will achieve higher energy and be more productive if you plan your time.
Critical Elements of Time Management
Desire – It is imperative that you have the desire to control your time and achieve an improvement in your productivity.
Decisiveness – This characteristic plays a vital role in your success: you have to make a firm decision to practice your time management skills until they turn into habits.
Determination – Becoming an effective time manager involves various challenges. When faced with temptations to forget about what you are trying to do and go back to your old ways. Without determination, your chances of acquiring the necessary time management skills are close to zero.
Discipline – Experienced time managers consider this as the most essential characteristic. You must have enough discipline to treat time management as an enduring practice. You should be willing to pay the price, do what is right, and perform activities at the right time, regardless of whether or not it benefits you in the short-term.
Developing Time Management Skills
Identification of the components of a big task
It takes talent to identify the small parts that make up a big task. However, you can learn this with practice. By learning how to do so, you can take small but sure steps towards your goal. Also, the good thing is you can distribute the other pieces to people who are willing to help.
Knowing when to take a rest and reward oneself
Believe it or not, taking regular breaks and rewarding oneself can improve a person’s performance. It also helps one achieve more and become more efficient.
Honing a never say die spirit
It will not be all laurels for you. Sometimes, you will face failures and frustrations. More often than not, you will have to deal with backlogs. However, take heart and learn to adopt a never say die attitude. This way, you learn to rise from your weaknesses and limitations.
Dealing with pressure
Have grace whenever you face a big task. Never bow down to pressure. See it as motivation instead of being a source of stress. From time to time, take a break and relax. Remember, pressure won’t go away if you succumb to it. Deal with it well and see good things coming your way.
Observe patterns with your use of time
Identify your peak time and label it as your prime time. Also, take note of those periods when you feel most distracted. Assess the kinds of activities where you waste your time and keep track of which ones are recurring. Of course, do something about it.
Routine development
Developing a routine for your work proves to be genuinely beneficial. In line with that, you need to keep your workspace as clean and as organized as possible, too. Also, you need to make a standard schedule for each of your workdays. Write down the details in case there are adjustments.
Time logging
A time log helps you avoid putting your precious minutes and hours to waste. In the process what you need to do is, create a chart for the entire week (divided into days). The days will then be divided into intervals of half an hour. For the next seven days, you should make it a point to note everything that you will and need to do. After seven days, examine the time log closely to look for periods where you could have been more productive. Also, you will see where your consistent “prime time” is and schedule your next tasks according to your findings.
The Control Mindset
Proper time management also encompasses the management of your mood towards work. Most people with no control over their emotions, motivations, and moods usually end up neglecting their plans.
If you want to take charge of your time, you should focus only on the things that you can control. Even if you are in difficult situations, you should not allow your mind to start blaming others or your environment.
You should continue the control mindset as you proceed with the rest of the book. In this mindset, you always ask yourself how you can control the situation. By doing so, you always expect a certain level of competence from yourself.
You can only control the way you use your time if you can control your motivation. Motivation is the mental state, emotion, or thought that encourages us to move towards our goals. You need to be aware of your different mental states because they are essential factors that affect your ability to stick to your planned schedule.
Chapter 2: Benefits of Time Management
Here are significant reasons why effective time management is necessary for anyone aiming to accomplish goals and achieve success.
Greater Productivity
One of the most significant benefits you stand to derive from practicing effective time management is improved productivity.
When you efficiently complete tasks, you save more time; you can then use the saved time to complete other essential tasks. When you complete more work your output increases.
Increased Output
Productivity increases when your mind is free from stress and hence, free to focus on the tasks that need to be completed without distractions. You not only complete the tasks you have set out to do but also find time to do other things that until now you could not do because of lack of time.
Increased Energy
Recall how you feel when you complete a task that required your intensive intervention. The satisfaction that you enjoy at the end of a work well done and completed on time releases the endorphins that make you feel good about yourself and more energetic. You will ready to take on the next task.
Freedom to Do What You Want
With time management you will find enough time to complete your “work” and still have enough left to bond with your family on a daily basis, socialize with friends and colleagues, take up a hobby, read a book – and in general do things that you would have otherwise thought impossible for lack of time.
Reduced Effort
You will find that with time management, the effort you require seems lesser because your mind is calm and focused, and you can concentrate your full attention on your work schedule.
Minimum Wasted Time
An unorganized person will spend much of the time searching for things, redoing things, handling situations resulting from mistakes, and so on. With time management, you learn how to work in a focused manner and therefore, commit fewer mistakes (ordinarily resulting from stress from mismanagement of time). It also
helps to eliminate the time you would otherwise waste when re-engaging in a task you interrupted.
Increased Opportunities
Clarity of mind helps you think more creatively and hence, find more opportunities to grow. An uncluttered mind is more likely to open to new ideas that a mind burdened with 1001 things on it.
More Free Time
Time management is very vital at work, at school, or home. At times, you may feel as if you have too many tasks to complete and not enough time. However, if you plan your tasks, schedule them, and complete every task within a set time, you will not waste time wondering what to do.
Improved Decision-Making Ability
Sometimes, when you feel as if you are pressed for time even when you must make a decision, it is easy to make the wrong decision without adequately considering the different options. On the other hand, if you practice proper time management, because you have planned, you will feel a sense of calm, which will eliminate the pressure, which often emanates from feeling as if you do not have enough time. Without the presence of this pressure, you will make conscious choices and spend your time doing valuable and meaningful activities.
Reduced Stress
When you control your time, you avoid the stress which comes with personal problems or frictions with others because you will know how long it will take to complete an activity and the best approach to use to complete a task within its prescribed time and deadline. You will have set goals for your day, prioritized essential tasks or activities, and created a detailed guide showing how you intend to tackle every activity or task.
Fosters Self-Discipline